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Seit mehr als 45 Jahren entwirft, standardisiert, produziert und vertreibt Delta Plus weltweit ein umfassendes Angebot an Lösungen für persönliche und kollektive Schutzausrüstung (PSA) zum Schutz von Fachleuten bei der Arbeit.


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EPI Fall arrest: EN 360 standard evolves, Delta Plus adapts

The EN 360 standard is changing. Cécilia Lemoine, an expert in fall arrest equipment, explains how Delta Plus is preparing for certification of its new range of self-retracting retractors.

Cécilia Lemoine, an expert in fall arrest equipment

Expertise, Fall arrest protection

EPI Fall arrest: EN 360 standard evolves, Delta Plus adapts

Update 16.04.24

What exactly is the EN 360 standard?

Cécilia Lemoine: "The EN 360 standard is part of the European regulations on personal protective equipment (PPE) against falls from a height, and more specifically on self-retracting hose reels. This is category 3 equipment, i.e. equipment that protects against a fatal or irreversible risk. 


The latest version of EN 360 dates back to 2002. It has recently been rewritten, validated and published in a 2023 version, and this new version should be harmonised in the Official Journal later this year.




protective equipment (PPE) against falls

What changes have been made to the EN 360 standard?

Cécilia Lemoine: The previous version provided for two types of test on fall arrest products: the first static and the second dynamic, with a mass of 100 kg and a cable extension of 60 cm. There are two parameters to be met: the fall stopping distance must be less than 2 metres, and the impact felt must be less than 6 kN. 


The aim of this new standard is to be more representative of real conditions of use, and therefore includes, for example, Factor 0 dynamic tests, shrinkage tests, but also dynamic tests with minimum nominal masses in order to include lighter workers, for example. Other tests will also have to be carried out with complete cable exits, known as full extraction. 


Finally, equipment intended for specific uses (horizontal movement, factor 2, aerial platforms, etc.) will also be included in this standard, to cover all types of operator movement. 


Finally, additional packaging tests will also be introduced, to cover a maximum number of working situations and potentially extreme conditions, with tests in negative temperatures (-30°C, representative of use in cold rooms or certain very cold regions of the world), in extreme heat conditions (+85°C), with the presence of corrosion (salt spray, representative of maritime environments and off-shore oil platforms), and also after complete immersion in water. 

welder working at height with fall protection

How is Delta Plus adapting to changes in this fall arrest PPE standard?

Cécilia Lemoine: Delta Plus is a pioneer in this type of equipment. For us, this development means adapting and then re-certifying around fifty products, which account for 20% of our sales in Europe. 


It is therefore a major challenge and a priority project. Our product managers, laboratories, R&D teams and production sites are working closely together on this issue. We have also strengthened our teams with specialist engineers whose role is to design and integrate new brake systems into our equipment.



And for your customers, what is the benefit brought by this security evolution?


Cécilia Lemoine: Firstly, our customers are obliged to ensure employers equip their workers at height with certified fall arrest products. The advantage of this new standard is that it provides for tests that are closer to real conditions of use. It therefore guarantees greater safety for people working at height on roofs, façades, electrical networks (link to dielectric article) or on certain industrial production lines".


Did you know? Delta Plus, a pioneer in fall arrest equipment, trains its customers in the use of PPE and CPE products in its own technical centres: find out more!


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