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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

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Nuestra historia

Dielectric equipment: vital protection

Dielectric equipment helps to ensure the safety of workers on an electrical site: focus on its composition and role.


Experiencia, Fall arrest protection, Safety helmet

Dielectric equipment: vital protection

Update 29.03.24

Dielectric PPE, a priority on electrical worksites

Working on an electrical network, installing electricity in a building or handling live cables and equipment are all potential risks on a worksite. Among them: a possible electrocution, sparks or an electric arc can have serious consequences (burns, blindness, fainting), even fatal for operators.

To create a safe working environment, drastic measures must be respected. Starting with the provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): an imperative to guarantee personal safety and an obligation for employers.

The specific nature of dielectric protective equipment

Dielectric products are made from insulating, non-flammable materials such as rubber, composite or resin. They are therefore unable to conduct electric current.

The yellow clothes worn by operators in public places are often among the best known, but there are also gloves, helmets with visors and dielectric boots that guarantee effective protection against electric arcs and shocks, thereby limiting the risk of accidents in the workplace.


To recognise dielectric PPE, look for a pictogram consisting of two overlapping triangles.


The choice of this equipment must also take into account :


PPE dielectric helmet with visor reference Onyx Liferay

In the Delta Plus PPE range: dielectric harnesses

Some network maintenance projects involve electrical work at height. In such cases, the technician is exposed to a double risk: falling and electric shock. 


To meet the needs of these workers, we have extended our range of fall arrest equipment and developed dielectric harnesses and lanyards, enabling vertical or horizontal movement along a lifeline.


Made from plastic and polyester, this protective equipment also includes carabiners and hooks made from insulating material. They are designed to ensure the safety of workers required to work on pylons or roofs.

HAR42EL dielectric harness

Are you a professional looking for dielectric harnesses and lanyards? Contact our sales teams to select the dielectric PPE best suited to your working environment.


Productos, Sistemas anticaídas #
29/06/23 9:47

Seguridad Solid Sail

¡Rumbo a Saint-Nazaire! ¡Ligero en vela sólida! Esta vela rígida desarrollada por Chantiers de l'Atlantique, uno de los líderes mundiales en los mercados de buques de gran complejidad e instalaciones offshore, ha sido diseñada para reducir en un 40% la huella de carbono de los buques en los que se instala.
Evento #
10/10/23 13:17

Participación en la feria internacional A+A

Venga a vernos al stand 13D16 de la feria A+A de Düsseldorf, del 24 al 27 de octubre, y visite nuestro stand "Enjoy Safety".
Productos, Sistemas anticaídas #
29/06/23 9:47

Seguridad Solid Sail

¡Rumbo a Saint-Nazaire! ¡Ligero en vela sólida! Esta vela rígida desarrollada por Chantiers de l'Atlantique, uno de los líderes mundiales en los mercados de buques de gran complejidad e instalaciones offshore, ha sido diseñada para reducir en un 40% la huella de carbono de los buques en los que se instala.