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Nasza misja

Od ponad 45 lat Delta Plus projektuje, standaryzuje, produkuje i dystrybuuje na całym świecie pełen zestaw rozwiązań w zakresie środków ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej (ŚOI) w celu ochrony profesjonalistów w pracy.

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PPE and CPE: a 360° offer for optimal protection

Delta Plus is committed to building a fall protection offer combining PPE and CPE: discover the complementarity of this equipment. 

collective protective equipment : guardrails, lifelines, ladders with crinolines or fall protection grids

Fall arrest protection, Środki ochrony indywidualnej, Systemy powstrzymywania spadania

PPE and CPE: a 360° offer for optimal protection

Update 24.06.24

CPE and Delta Plus fall protection PPE: additional protective equipment



When it comes to personal protective equipment for fall hazards, you're already familiar with harnesses, lanyards, etc...


But did you know that there are also their extensions, which are just as essential? These are the "collective protective equipment" known as CPE, which includes guardrails, lifelines, ladders with crinolines or fall protection grids.

"These two types of equipment are intrinsically linked, since they are used simultaneously and sometimes one allows you to connect with the other," explains Gonzague de Zélicourt, Global Product Line Manager at Delta Plus for fall arrest equipment.





collective protective equipment : guardrails, lifelines, ladders with crinolines or fall protection grids

With collective protective equipment, create a global fall protection offer



Since 2017, Delta Plus, a pioneer in fall protection PPE, has acquired several entities specializing in CPEs in order to consolidate its offer in this field.


"Today, we are working to create bridges between the business units of these two sectors, in order to promote a global and effective fall arrest offer," explains Gonzague de Zélicourt.


Training is conducted for sales representatives and product managers, a cross-functional approach is favoured and sales tours are organised in pairs.


"Therefore we are able to offer our customers a dedicated, turnkey fall protection offer, from recommending the most suitable products for their environment to training in our technical training centres," says Gonzague de Zélicourt.


Through its position as a leader and manufacturer, Delta Plus values its 360° vision of protective equipment to reveal the possibilities of complementarity and compatibility, in the service of a safer working environment for workers.



collective protective equipment : guardrails, lifelines, ladders with crinolines or fall protection grids


The Delta Plus product range is also evolving in line with changes in safety standards: find out how the update of the European standard EN 360 has been integrated into the fall arrest equipment offered by Delta Plus.


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