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Nossa missão

Há mais de 45 anos, a Delta Plus projeta, padroniza, fabrica e distribui globalmente um conjunto completo de soluções em equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva (EPI) para proteger os profissionais no trabalho.

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Roof accessories


Projector holder

Specific sliding tray support for maintenance of roof-top floodlights, independent of the waterproofing complex


  • Permanent system accessory

The PROJECO projector support allows you to maintain your spotlights in complete safety.
Thanks to its sliding support, you can move your lights and bring them back onto the flat roof for maintenance, without the risk of falling or touching the support itself.

advantage picture
Waterproofing protection

Support independent of the waterproofing complex

advantage picture

Facilitates maintenance and ensures operator safety during operations

advantage picture

Once mounted on the sliding table, the spotlights are easy to reach for maintenance purposes

Fiche produit Favoris

The PROJECO projector support allows you to maintain your spotlights in complete safety.
Thanks to its sliding support, you can move your lights and bring them back onto the flat roof for maintenance, without the risk of falling or touching the support itself.

Norm CE

advantage picture
Waterproofing protection

Support independent of the waterproofing complex

advantage picture

Facilitates maintenance and ensures operator safety during operations

advantage picture
Optimum safety

Once mounted on the sliding table, the spotlights are easy to reach for maintenance purposes

Configuration 1

Configuration 1






