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Naše poslanie

Spoločnosť Delta Plus už viac ako 45 rokov navrhuje, štandardizuje, vyrába a celosvetovo distribuuje kompletný súbor riešení v oblasti osobných a kolektívnych ochranných prostriedkov (OOP) na ochranu profesionálov pri práci.

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Olympic Games 2024 - Jérôme Benoit, Olympic torchbearer

Our CEO Jérôme Benoit has been selected by the Vaucluse department to carry the flame for the 2024 Olympics and represent the region's economic dynamism.

CEO Jérôme Benoit at his desk

Delta Plus Inside, Udalosť

Olympic Games 2024 - Jérôme Benoit, Olympic torchbearer

Update 18.06.24

Olympic Games 2024: 11,000 scouts carry the Olympic flame across France

On 16 April, the Olympic torch was lit according to tradition in Olympia, Greece. It arrived in Marseilles aboard the three-masted Belem on 8 May and has since been travelling around France.


On 26 July, 11,000 scouts will have taken it in turns to carry the flame to Paris, the heart of the 2024 Olympic Games. Taking in towns, streets, historic sites, bridges and viaducts, as well as vineyards, beaches, stadiums and the summit of the Pic de Midi, the Olympic flame will showcase the natural and architectural treasures of the region.
Most of the torchbearers were chosen by the Games Organising Committee and its partners according to a well-defined criterion.


They all had to be "ordinary people doing extraordinary things": women and men of all ages and backgrounds who embody the sporting, entrepreneurial or collective energies of their region.

Delta Plus Groupe carries the Olympic values high

On Wednesday 19 June, the flame will be in Avignon for a day of festivities! 100 Vaucluse residents will pass the torch. Of these, 11 have been chosen by the Département du Vaucluse and the City of Avignon. 


Jérôme Benoit, CEO of Delta Plus Groupe, is one of them. "This is an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime event. I'm extremely proud to have been chosen to showcase the expertise and creativity of the companies in our region. It's also an opportunity to promote the great values of Olympic sport that Delta Plus embraces: respect, excellence, perseverance and team spirit", said Jérôme Benoit.


Jérôme Benoit and his entire team are preparing for an emotional moment tomorrow: being chosen to carry the Olympic flame is also recognition of Delta Plus' regional and national presence.
We're delighted to be associated with this great celebration, alongside you: see you on Wednesday on the torch route!

The Olympic flame route in Vaucluse. Photo credit: Département du Vaucluse



Produkty, Systémy na zachytenie pádu #
29.6.2023 9:47

Zabezpečenie projektu Solid Sail

Smeruje do Saint-Nazaire! Svetlo na pevných plachtách! Táto pevná plachta, ktorú vyvinula spoločnosť Chantiers de l'Atlantique, jeden zo svetových lídrov na trhu s veľmi zložitými loďami a inštaláciami na mori, bola navrhnutá tak, aby znížila uhlíkovú stopu lodí, na ktorých je nainštalovaná, o 40 %.
Produkty, Systémy na zachytenie pádu #
29.6.2023 9:47

Zabezpečenie projektu Solid Sail

Smeruje do Saint-Nazaire! Svetlo na pevných plachtách! Táto pevná plachta, ktorú vyvinula spoločnosť Chantiers de l'Atlantique, jeden zo svetových lídrov na trhu s veľmi zložitými loďami a inštaláciami na mori, bola navrhnutá tak, aby znížila uhlíkovú stopu lodí, na ktorých je nainštalovaná, o 40 %.
Produkty, Systémy na zachytenie pádu #
29.6.2023 9:47

Zabezpečenie projektu Solid Sail

Smeruje do Saint-Nazaire! Svetlo na pevných plachtách! Táto pevná plachta, ktorú vyvinula spoločnosť Chantiers de l'Atlantique, jeden zo svetových lídrov na trhu s veľmi zložitými loďami a inštaláciami na mori, bola navrhnutá tak, aby znížila uhlíkovú stopu lodí, na ktorých je nainštalovaná, o 40 %.